This time last year I wrote a summary about '365 days to 180 degrees', and at
the time
PushUp Challenge
The PushUp Challenge is a fundraising event that I have been a part of for the past few years. The Push-Up Challenge was created to promote awareness and encourage positive mental health.
Transitional Grief: When love lost turns to Honour
This thought came to me as an impromptu one - as today would have been my late Grandmother's 98th Birthday. Grief can be a powerful tool - to honour the lives of those lost by viewing it as a means to stop and pay tribute to their memories despite the pain
SVBM 2021
Brought to you by the creative brain juices of Andy 'Felix' Poli, his kin-man Simon Poli, his trusted companion Nick 'Broken Hand' Swallow, his talented organisational extraordinaire wifey Suzanne Poli and some random Unicorn Runner...
FebFast 2021
So now, three weeks deep into March.... story of my life (too busy to be
Thought it would be
A new way for adults to enjoy Christmas!
Bringing AN to light...
Subtle signs of someone suffering with the Eating Disorder - Anorexia Nervosa
All hustle & bustle: Friends, where art thou?
Why is it so damn hard to make friends as an adult?