C9 Detox Review

Our bodies detoxify naturally everyday, it is a normal process of our bodies eliminating and neutralizing toxins via organs like the colon and liver. However, often we feel 'congested' from excess food, processed foods, and various medications. This is where the fad word 'detox' kicks in... Naturally we detox, but sometimes our bodies need a 'Cleanse'

In everyday life, the human body is exposed to and carries a huge load of petrochemicals and toxins. But can detoxing actually remove these? ... Theoretically, fasting and cleansing your system (clean eating) can. As when fat is mobilized, anything that is fat-soluble should be mobilized along with it.

During fasting your body surpasses the standard energy system of glycolysis (burning glycogen stores and free blood glucose) and goes into a state called 'Ketosis'. During Ketosis the body's main energy supply comes from ketone bodies in the blood - our natural fat-burning mode.

About the Forever C9 Program

The Forever C9 Prgram is a 9-day aloe vera based cleanse. It is very similar to a very low calorie diet (VLCD) meaning that you consume low amounts of calories and effectively fast. VLCD's are defined as a diet of 800 kilocalories (3,300 kJ) per day or less. VLCDs are formulated, nutritionally complete, and you still get your recommended daily requirements for vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids and proteins.

Days 1 - 2 of the C9 are Clean days, you take fish oil supplements, drink Aloe Vera Gel and have an MR Shake at lunchtime. It is recommended that your daily intake of water needs to be upped, which also helps maintain some degree of fullness. And to curb some appetite you can snack intermittently on a specified list of 'free foods'.

Days 3- 9, you continue with the fish oil supplements and Aloe Vera Gel, but you are allowed two MR Shakes a day, as well as a 600 calorie meal. Increased water intake is still expected and free foods are still allowed intermittently if necessary.

My Personal C9 experience:###

Day 1 - Started my C9 whilst I was at work, which was a little crazy! I struggled through a Working at Heights course with headaches and a rumbling belly. I snacked on a Banana (pre-workout), half an apple, a carrot, half an orange, and a couple of strawberries. I only managed 6 hours sleep - less than 7 normally releases the monster within.

Measurements -
Weight: 55.8kg
Bust: 87cm (34")
Waist: 67cm (26")
Hip: 94cm (37")
Upper Arm: 24cm (9.5")
Quad: 46cm (18")

My C9 goal - to be sitting pretty at 52kg by the end of Day 9

Day 2 - Waaaayyy easier than Day 1, albeit being still technically a fast day. Probably helped not being at work. Snacked on a banana pre-workout, two strawberries, and an apple. Went for a 1 hr walk (5km), 1hour moderate cardio at gym, and 1 hour touch rugby training. heaps of energy by the end of the day and smashed out a measly 9 hours sleep

Day 3 - Noticing a distinct difference in my skin tone and texture, potentially from drinking the aloe vera gel and using Aloe Propolis cream on my dry spots? still surmountable amounts of energy. 1 hr walk, 20min mod cycle, 4.10sec 1km row, 115kg 4 x 20 rep leg press, 45kg 4 x 10 rep glutes, and 15min steady tready. My first 600cal meal was chicken tenders, sauteed asparagus, onion, cherry tomatoes and olives with sweet potato mash. Topped off with 9 hours sleep. Only needed to snack on Half an orange, couple of prunes.

Measurements -
Weight: 53.8kg
Bust: 86cm (34")
Waist: 63cm (24.5")
Hip: 91cm (35.5")
Upper Arm: 24cm (9.5")
Quad: 46cm (18")

**Day 4 **- Unsure if this is a side effect or not, but I usually find it really hard to wind down of a night time and actually nod off to sleep. But on the c9 my body is on full go, but when I lie down of a night time I nod off relatively easy. Snacked on a couple of prunes, half an orange, half an apple. 1hr 5km walk, 2 x 20min half touch rugby game. skin looking better everyday, even with a bit of suntime - Working that Kalvegas tan. Smashing out all of the chores that I'd been meaning to do for weeks. Dinner consisted of grilled turkey breast, garden salad and sweet potato wedges.

Day 5 - My energy levels are ridiculous. Managed to volunteer all morning at the local Boulder Market Day, without even snacking. Even negated drinking at Boulderfest, just had three soda waters with fresh lemon. Peer pressure is no match for my power!
Come late arvo though I had to manage half an apple, some prunes and three unsalted almonds. 8 hours sleep, quality of which was excellent. 1 hour 540cal mod cardio session at the gym.
Dinner was a Veggie Burger, 1/2 cup brown rice and stir fry veg cooked in coconut oil, probably half of the 600cal meal, but still so so filling. Skin looking amazing, no sign of any pimples or blackheads - thankyou Aloe Propolis. Cant even comprehend the idea of functioning on three meals again, can totally smash the rest of the program. 8 hours solid sleep

Day 6 - Still down in cms and kilos - little wins. Finished all my daily chores and more... went for a 5km walk in the morning. Started only having half scoops of shakes, filling up really quickly. Snacked on a few prunes, strawberries, unsalted almonds and a banana before a 500cal 1 hour gym sesh. 2km row in 9min 30sec, killing some PB's in the process. Dinner was Thai-style Chicken with a chickpea salad. 6 hours sleep - 4.30am wakeup for work, releases the beast once more

Measurements -
Weight: 53.2kg
Bust: 86cm (33.5")
Waist: 62cm (24")
Hip: 91cm (36")
Upper Arm: 24cm (9.5")
Quad: 45cm (18")

Day 7 - back at work today, was tough! Snacked on a banana, a carrot, some prunes and small can of tuna. 40 min 380cal cardio workout, plus an hours rugby training. Dinner was grilled hoki fish with stirfry veg and brown rice. The end is near, and still loving how yummy the shakes are. Managed my 8 hours sleep again, joyous!

Day 8 - back at work again, its really tough smelling all the foods that everyone else has for lunches and even smoko's. Snacked on a carrot, banana, some prunes, and almonds.
500cal gym workout. Had Thai-style chicken, with asparagus, broccoli, carrot and sweet potato mash

Day 9 - Go hard or go home!
No snacking today. Plus a 500 cal workout at the gym. Dinner consisted of a veggie burger stirfry veg and brown rice.

Final measurements -
3.2kg down and loving life! 15cm's off total body-wise

Measurements -
Weight: 52.6kg
Bust: 86cm (34")
Waist: 61cm (24")
Hip: 89cm (35")
Upper Arm: 23cm (9")
Quad: 44cm (17")

  • My housemate Scotty, ended up smashing off a total of 6.1kg and losing an astounding 10cm off his waistline
  • Carley, a close friend lost 2.3kg and 3 inches
  • Daniel, Carley's hubby lost 4.1kg and 3 inches too!

The main benefits of this program are the increased energy levels, improvements in sleep quality and in skin tone and texture. The weight and centimetres lost are subsidiary to the other benefits of the C9 cleanse.